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The Working Type
The English Springer Spaniel field-bred dogs tendto have shorter coats than show-bred dogs, earsare also less pendulous. The breed standard callsfor a height of approx. 20.8 cms (20 inches) to theshoulder, however working dogs tend to be shorterand wiry in build. Initially bred for their brain powerrather than their looks, field dogs are more activeand agile. The breed have been used as Gundogsfor centauries, traditionally bred to "Spring" gameinto a net or air where Hawks would catch thegame. Subsequently as guns became faster toreload, flushing and retrieving became their mainrole and they are now known as the true"Allrounder" amongst Gundogs.
To own a working type means that you will have torespect their need to be outside hunting, thusplenty of exercise and understanding theirpropensity to get very wet and muddy in theprocess is a prime consideration for ownership.Keeping their brain active too when indoors willkeep them out of mischief, especially in theirformative years.
The Show Type
Larger and heavier than their field cousins, theycarry far more coat and bone. Although somewhat
de-tuned from their hunting prowess, they do"work" in their own way when outexercising. Instinct drives them to hunt the fields,hedgerows, copse and brambles when out for awalk. They quarter ground meaning they will staywithin ear shot (!), but beware they have exactlythe same love of mud and water as the field dogs!Coat care is therefore important, especially theirears. Unless kept clean and well trimmed aroundthe ear canal, moisture/humidity will cause
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problems. Professional grooming is used by manypet owners, but those that show their dogs soonlearn to present the dogs themselves. Trimming ishighlighted on the coat preparation page. Bothtypes are available Liver & White or Black & White.with or without tan markings
The Service Dog
Both working and show types can be used asdetection dogs. It is a well-documented fact thatthe English Springer Spaniel has been used formany years by the armed forces, police, customsand excise and other services, as sniffer dogs. These highly trained dogs perform a vital role inthe crackdown on dugs and illegal substances, andalso explosives, including guns and ammunition,even money (notes).
Recently, a Springer has been trained by HerMajesties Prison Service to sniff out mobilephones. This is yet another side of our breed’sversatility. Customs & Excise (UK Border Force)first started to use dogs for the detection of drugsin 1978 and there are now around 65 dogs basedat major ports and airports throughout the UK.
English springers are used in the main because oftheir intelligence, keen sense of smell, size andagility.
It takes about 9 - 12 weeks to train a dog to therequired standard. They have NO physical contactwith drugs and NEVER become addicted. Theysearch purely for pleasure knowing that theirreward will be a game with their handler andfavourite toy.
The London Fire Brigade, use two dogs as part oftheir Arson Response Unit. 'Simba' an EnglishSpringer and 'Odin' a black Labrador. They havebeen trained to detect the presence of accelerantsat the scene of a fire.
Indeed the disastrous bush fires suffered inAustralia prompted the authorities to trainSpringers as Koala search dogs, The dogs aretrained using Koala fur and scats.
Just to remind you, after working hard at theirhighly trained task, the only reward is a tennis ballor their favourite toy!
Anton and Simba - The Kennel …
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