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Judges Lists

If you would like to be included on our judge's lists, please read the relevant criteria and fill out our questionaire.


Spaniels (English Springer) are Stud Book Band 'D (as from 1st January 2022)
​Qualifying at Championship Shows:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Open Class
1st Limit Class



Judge's Lists - Updated 11th December 2024



Two methods of judge’s advancement are currently available. The original system applies until the end of 2025. The plan is for existing judges to gain enough experience with a combination of exams along with hands on judging to reach a specified number of dogs judged, as required in our criteria. The aim is to achieve an A3 listing which is required by the KC allowing them to assess the judge to award CCs. This is generally done by the inviting society who raise a first time judges questionnaire which is sent to the KC for approval. However, an A3 qualified judge without an invite can submit directly to the KC under a system called “Grandfather rights.” If successful the judge will be pre-approved to award CCs.

The joint method ends on the 1st January 2026, whereby judges will only have the JEP (Judges Education Programme) criteria available to use, which requires a chronological order of education based on individual mentoring and judging assessments. As such we need the services of a BEC (Breed Education Coordinator), this is where we are lucky to have Sue Aston to carry out the role. Sue’s job is to act on behalf of the ESS breed to maintain a register and control the records of ESS judges education, which incidentally she has been doing since a JEP type method was first introduced. Once a judge has achieved all the required elements of the JEP criteria, they on application will pre-approved by the KC to award CCs.

Up and coming judges apply for B list status, this allows them to judge any number of classes which also entitles them to judge ESS breed club shows. The judge’s experience is submitted and assessed on application by the SESSS JSC (Judges Sub Committee), which in our case comprises 6 CC judges from the main committee.

The JEP L2 list is created for those who have attended a BAD (Breed Appreciation Day) and passed the MCE (Multi Choice Exam) together with a number of other requirements, including stewarding. There is no involvement by our JSC for entry onto the L2 list.

We are encouraged by the KC to incorporate successful L2 judges into the B list. However, as the criteria required for gaining judging experience differs, our JSC have decided to keep the B list apart for now. This is based on the fact that L2 is very much a theoretical process, that does not require the actual hands on judging of ESS during the process.

Finally, the C list incorporates starter judges who are initially restricted by the KC on the number of classes they can judge. This list will slowly shrink and eventually disappear when the JEP method finally takes over in 2026.

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